Monday, September 13, 2010

Not enough hours

I was recently watching a cellist play and had the comforting realization that on the New Earth, we will all have time to learn/do all the really cool, good things we've been meaning to.  I want to learn cello.  And not just enough to play a few tunes, but to really get good.  I don't think I have enough life ahead of me for that.  But I have been promised enough eternal life after death to accomplish any of the good things in this life I'm not going to have time for.  No sitting around on clouds, playing harps and eating Philly cream cheese!  We'll be learning all the interesting stuff, all the complicated stuff, all the hard stuff.  And it will take forever!!!  YEA!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shut your mouth

I've gotten into trouble a few times lately for talking.  Not because of too much talking, but because of what I've said.  The content was religious.  At work.  I know, I know.  I should have known better.  Did I really think I was lucky enough to be exempt from the work of the devil in that aspect of my life?  (Well, yes, I guess I did.  WRONG!)  Since I know I'm going to have trouble self-editing certain types of topics, I guess I'll just cut out the non-work talking, except when on break, and then only with people I know won't turn me in to the political-correctness police.

We've also been having bible study one day per week at work, during lunch, and even that seems in some kind of jeopardy.  Locations are scarce for us to meet in sometimes and the group doesn't seem to want to meet in the lunchroom.  Unfortunately that would be the best place, on many levels (just not private.)  We would be setting an example; we would be in the shared break area so no one could say favoritism, etc.; there is plenty of room and it's probably the best place to eat, too.  But they are shy about "public" meetings, so we may just have to stop meeting altogether.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Deuteronomy 4

Remember and be obedient.

Remember what happened and remember what He taught us.  Do what He tells us to do and everything will work out fine.

Pretty simple instructions.  Not too hard to follow -- while sitting here at my comfortable desk in my home, fridge full, job waiting, kid safely at school.  What challenges God has kept me from?  What difficulties have I been exempted from in this life?  I sometimes wonder if the true challenge for Christians here in the easy lanes isn't ennui and easiness.  I think Satan's greatest weapon against people in my vicinity is luxury and comfortable-ness.  Look what God did with His chosen people.  He didn't hand them the keys to a mansion the day after they calmly decided it was time to leave Egypt because the job prospects didn't look too good anymore.  They ran out during a plague and were chased by an army.  They wandered in the desert for forty years.  They had to fight for what God had promised them.  God winnowed out the unworthy during that time and wore the rest down until they were just how He wanted them.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Time to get out of the salt shaker?

I heard a comment today that struck a chord with me.  Phrased as a questions something like-Is it time for you to get out of the shaker and spread your salt around in the world?  We are cautioned to study the Word and grow in a personal relationship with Christ, but Paul also tells us to move on from baby food to real meat.  I think the salt shaker comment aligns with this view too.  Some Christians seem content with a very narrow lifestyle and seem to only focus on internal growth.  Or a narrow definition of what living out the Great Commission means.  But every job we do can be to God's glory.  Every single workplace can be the Mission Field, not just those with different languages, halfway around the world.  We are told to treat our jobs like God is our employer. (Colossians 3:23)  Boy, how I struggle with that some days!

Deuteronomy 3

Moses is recounting the the beginning of the division of the land.  Some of the tribes wanted to live on one side of the river, and as they cleared it, Moses apportioned it.  Moses also asks God to let him go into the land on the other side of the river, but God said no.

This is a tough chapter, and not just because I have a headache.  God has commanded Israel to clear the land.  Of people.  Who already lived there.  "Trust in the Lord".  But this passage was probably one cited by the Conquistadors and others who thought they knew that God wanted them to wipe out other people.  But they didn't have Moses and the pillar of smoke and fire, and manna and all the other miraculous things that God provided specially to those people and to those people only.  And along with those miracles came special for-them-only instructions to clear the land of the people who already lived there, leaving no survivors.

Look, even Moses-MOSES, mind you-got wrong with God.  He didn't do what God told him to, and later, as promised, God punished him.  However, God didn't smite Moses on the spot, or have the earth swallow him, or turn him to a pillar of salt.  What does this chapter mean for me, today?  Barring any truly rebellious, get-away-from-me-forever kind of rebellion, God will stick with me.  He will not give me more than I can bear and He will even punish me if I get too far off track.  But He won't forsake me, and He won't let things happen to me that won't, ultimately, be for my own good.   even if I can't always figure out that "good" :)