I've gotten into trouble a few times lately for talking. Not because of too much talking, but because of what I've said. The content was religious. At work. I know, I know. I should have known better. Did I really think I was lucky enough to be exempt from the work of the devil in that aspect of my life? (Well, yes, I guess I did. WRONG!) Since I know I'm going to have trouble self-editing certain types of topics, I guess I'll just cut out the non-work talking, except when on break, and then only with people I know won't turn me in to the political-correctness police.
We've also been having bible study one day per week at work, during lunch, and even that seems in some kind of jeopardy. Locations are scarce for us to meet in sometimes and the group doesn't seem to want to meet in the lunchroom. Unfortunately that would be the best place, on many levels (just not private.) We would be setting an example; we would be in the shared break area so no one could say favoritism, etc.; there is plenty of room and it's probably the best place to eat, too. But they are shy about "public" meetings, so we may just have to stop meeting altogether.
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