Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's been a while

But, since no one actually reads this, I guess no apology is in order.  I started paying attention to the blog's Stats, and that was dumb.  I mean, I'm not in this for anything other than personal satisfaction - note that I have not "monetized" the blog with any ads.  So why get hung up on what I post?  {Other than the fact that I can be pretty competitive!}

I've sort of lost my way lately.  Actually, to be clear, I've recently realized how lost I've been.  Wandering around in the dark, seeing lights off in different directions, unsure of which way to go.  Seemed safer to simply stay where I already was, even though it wasn't any less dark...  Enough of the illustration.  Time to really start living my life the way God intended.  What does that mean?  I'm not certain, but I know I haven't been looking in the right place.  (The Bible, that is)

1 comment:

  1. Um, when you say...nobody reads this, you'd be misinformed. SOMEBODY reads this. Well, I'd like to think that I am somebody. My mom still tells me I'm somebody. Perhaps I am nobody in which case you'd be right. But I do read this. Oh, maybe not every day, but from time to time I check in to catch up. And i enjoy it. So there.
