I decided quite some time ago to simply blog for my own private benefit. I had been trying to imagine what readers would like to hear about, and then spent time thinking about what I could offer. I also fretted about what subjects, blah blah blah - I eventually decided that I would just do whatever I felt was on my mind, and let the rest go. It's not as if I was trying to make money from this blog. If so, I'd have advertising turned on, oui? I had given the address to a few people who'd been asking what I was making lately. This way they could see the photos, etc. Of course, most of the time they would just look at me like I was talking in some weird, foreign language. I don't think "blog" was something they were ready to understand. Even after looking at it, apparently they never got the idea that it wasn't one static message; that they could check in with me from time to time and see the various postings. A few weeks ago, a friend mentioned in an e-mail that he'd been checking it every so often and I was SO gratified. Even if he only looks once a year, it would still make me feel somewhat appreciated. WELL-Imagine my surprise to discover that I have COMMENTS! Not just one or two, but like 10 or something!!! And like two visitors per day! WOW.
I know, I know. I sound a little sarcastic, but I am being totally sincere. (I know; I'm always sincerely sarcastic, so what's the difference, right?) I guess I'm just surprised to find out I'm not exactly the person I thought I was. I keep looking for approval on craft project choices from co-workers, stuff like that. I get deeply thrilled to discover that someone is reading this. Who am I???
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