Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shrubs, not shrubbery

Leave it to me to pick up on a trend several years later.  I recently saw a blog post about a "shrub" and it sounded good.  I looked around for other recipes and found quite a few, all from several years back.  Macarons are old news too and I only recently tried them.  And knitting socks is rather passe too.  Well la ti da.  I know have three shrubs resting on the kitchen counter (see photo).  Strawberry which will probably become Strawberry-Basil in the next step.  Mango-lime with nifty-looking-for-now lime slices that will undoubtedly look cruddy after soaking in vinegar for a few days.  I have the highest hopes for the third one; Fennel-Apple-Rhubarb because I love almost anything rhubarb.  Now I just have to be patient for something like two weeks to find out if they are any good.

1 comment:

  1. Love shrubs. I don't make them, but they are a great alternative to alcoholic beverages. And good for you.
