Sunday, October 3, 2010

1 Thessalonians

(starting with a shorter letter)

Paul, Silas and Timothy (PST) pray for those whose work is produced by faith, those whose labor is prompted by love, and those whose endurance is inspired by hope in Christ.  Sounds like they mean me too.  Can you imagine those three in Heaven, remembering us to God?  Taking apart the list of things they pray for is a study all by itself.  The wording suggests an ongoing praying, and as a member of the Church, I take that to mean they pray for me when i do as I should too.

1:4-5 may or may not not be obvious to outside observation (another whole topic of its own) but as I am sure of my conversion, I can also claim this for myself.  God loves me and chose me.

What do the letters in the New Testament say to ME?

I'm many things - a person, a Christian, a church-member, a singer, a mother, a single person, a woman...  What do the various letters of the N.T. say to each of the "me"s that I am?

It's been a while

But, since no one actually reads this, I guess no apology is in order.  I started paying attention to the blog's Stats, and that was dumb.  I mean, I'm not in this for anything other than personal satisfaction - note that I have not "monetized" the blog with any ads.  So why get hung up on what I post?  {Other than the fact that I can be pretty competitive!}

I've sort of lost my way lately.  Actually, to be clear, I've recently realized how lost I've been.  Wandering around in the dark, seeing lights off in different directions, unsure of which way to go.  Seemed safer to simply stay where I already was, even though it wasn't any less dark...  Enough of the illustration.  Time to really start living my life the way God intended.  What does that mean?  I'm not certain, but I know I haven't been looking in the right place.  (The Bible, that is)