Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I did a little knitting this evening, trying out some more knitted edgings.  I didn't love them and I didn't take any photos.  Actually, I did really like one of them, but it was too wide and really too complicated for the whole afghan. A beautiful leaf pattern over 18-21 stitches.  But I think I've settled on a crochet edge that I will do directly on the pieced piece.  Scallop.

Monday, December 30, 2013


I'm trying out a knitted edge for the grey grannies.  I don't think I love this one. Not enough to knit...like...five yards of the stuff.  It curls in on itself too much.  I know blocking would help, but this afghan is made to be thrown in the washer and dryer, and it would curl up again in no time.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Some of the steps for creating a snow-less globe.  Paperarium.  I can't come up with a good name.  I tried glitter on the bottom seam of the newest one.  Pink.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

1-1-13 part 3

Mesh Arches edging.  This should work well with my next... terrarium? Paperium? Diorama? Up-side-down-glass-bowl project.

1-1-13 part 2

I've added crochet!


Well, this isn't crochet, but I'm getting it finished.  Something I've been fiddling with for months, off and on.  I had trouble with the technicalities of the components.  I wanted to use salt dough but waiting for it to air cure was taking too long and I didn't want to risk sealing it with uncured dough--mold!  I read it could be microwaved and that works great but the holes for the tree twigs move then.  Today I splurged and bought myself a Dremel.  Now I want to crochet a little trim for the bottom and my prototype will be done, finally!

Friday, December 27, 2013


Finished the blue cotton scarf.  It should not be machine dried, but I'm going to run it through the washer once anyway to get some stiffness out.


Forgot to post this last night.  I worked more on the blue cotton scarf. I should be able to finish it tonight, even.  As long as I don't make more silly mistakes.  You can see in the picture that I made one flower using a smaller crochet hook.  What a dork!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Today I made great headway on my own knit+crochet scarf in blue cotton.

Year 1 Month 1 Day 9

I finished another scarf yesterday and again forgot to take a photo.  What a dork!  But I started another scarf late last night after the eleven o'clock service, but fell asleep without posting it.  Here it is...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 8

Crocheted a "pearl" granny square and a "little flower bouquet"

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 7

Well, I didn't get anything NEW created today, but I did run at the Rec Center and took a shower and voted for a new Worship pastor and...  I did more work on the blue scarf.  OH!--And made three Christmas gift bags.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 6

I also finished my friend's scarf, but it is already wrapped, so here's the other scarf I'm working on.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 5

Made good headway on the cotton scarf after work today.  And made it before midnight too!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 4

Vacation day again, so I've been very busy!  In addition to the following photographed items, I made Chocolate Mayonnaise cake and Eggnog Fudge.  Well, on to the crafts.  I made a one-skein scarf for a friend-all crocheted, in dark jewel tones.  I started knitting a brown/blue scarf in a cool leaf lace pattern.  I also started a cotton scarf for a very special friend.  Shades of light brown with desert rose hues, in a mixed knit and crochet pattern.  If it turns out good, I bought similar yarn for me in blues.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lest you think I am slacking...

I have a vacation day and that's why I'm able to work and post before ten.  And here's where I am so far on the granny squares afghan in greys.

Year 1 Month 1 Day 3

I've moved on to double stitches. I'm never certain if I should crochet the whole stitch or just one side of the loop.  This book shows all three ways but calls the first one the basic stitch, so I guess I should crochet the whole stitch unless they say otherwise.

Year 1 Month 1 Day 2, from my phone, too

So I did crochet a few swatches yesterday.  I just didn't get them posted.  I didn't realize how long each episode of Sherlock (BBC) is and ran out of Tuesday rather suddenly.  I also had trouble getting nice shots of the work.  Sorry. Funny grey blobs with barely focused text.  Nice!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The office Grinch

Do you have a Grinch in your office? Someone who just has to tell other people that what they are doing is totally not OK?  Someone who rains on every parade they come across?  I can be a curmudgeon, but this person was a total Grinch.  Instead of giving me "friendly advice" about not doing those sorts of emails at work (and not giving me a chance to explain that I was trying to raise morale), she commanded me to stop several times.  So I did.  Until now.  But I've moved the communication stream from email to blog, so I can't be accused by the Grinch.  I won't give her the address and I figure no one else will either (she isn't very popular amongst the folks who will appreciate this blog!)

Day two, before the Grinch showed up

"Wow, she had an interesting evening!  She met some funny friends and played in a sandbox that is just their size!"

Late in day one

"OOOps!  She was enticed by the smell of my smoked almonds, but got a little too close!  I didn't think the raisin boxes were very stable steps, but I figured she was old enough to decide for herself.  She's all tidied up now, don't worry."

Still day one

I especially liked this email, because other folks at work had started to get into the spirit of the thing and made this for her.  (Morale was terribly low at the time and I thought we could use a pick-me-up)

"Someone has kindly made her a waterproof sleeping bag, in case the sprinklers go off, or if the plant watering person gets carried away.  Isn't it a pretty blue/green?"

Later that day

"This makes her happy and reminds her of the forests near her home, but she still won't tell me where that was :( "

Her second performance

The event that started this all

May 26, 2012 this little girl showed up at my desk at work and MADE MY DAY.  I sent an email to local users thanking the mysterious giver.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Year 1 Month 1 Day 1

So can I still call you accountability partners if I don't fill you in on my plan?  Since you are greatly imaginary, I say... YES!

Well, ok.  My intention is to make something every day, perhaps for a year.  I get stressed rather easily with this sort of thing, so I'm trying to avoid having too many rules right away.  My first rule is that months start on the 16th and end of the 15th, because I'm an accountant in my day job and the end/beginning of a month is already horrible enough.

My second rule is more of a starting guideline.  I was thinking I would tackle a new craft form each month.  Which is kind of a guideline in reverse, because lately, since my job has become so hugely stressful, I've been starting new forms all the time and losing interest and refusing to feel guilty about not really mastering anything, etc. etc. etc.  So this may sound like too many forms, but for me to actually stick with one for a full month might be a stretch.

I was going to crochet.  I've crocheted off and on for many years, but never really tackled anything "real", always just playing around with edging something knitted, or doing little teacups or something.  I've been making granny squares for a few weeks, in shades of black and white and grey.  I got a used book with various patterns and I thought that, at a minimum, I could make some "sampler" squares.  Well, here it is, bedtime on the first day of the first month and I haven't done anything.  And then I stopped and thought about what I did do this evening (after working ten hours) and I made blondies and cookies for a party at work tomorrow.  While not crochet, it is something I made.  From scratch, even.  I'll post a better picture of the blondies tomorrow.

And these are Chocolate Comfort Cookies - YUMMMM!
I realize these are horrible pictures, but it's after my bedtime, folks!  And the dog needs to be walked and I still haven't showered and I don't know what my son is up to and...  goodnight.