Sunday, January 23, 2011

In the world but not of it

That is the question for the ages, is it not?  "How do I do that?"  This morning's sermon danced around the edges of that idea.  Acts 17:22-23  Paul certainly knew a great deal about the cultures he was preaching to, but he was also clearly not doing as they were doing, and was quick to point out those things that were not in keeping with Scripture.  I keep thinking that if I were clear on what I was doing that was wrong, or had a clear idea of exactly what God wanted me to do, I would gladly, gratefully do it.  But I don't have any burning bushes in view and no messengers sitting at the foot of my bed.  And I can second-guess (and third-guess) every single thought in my head.  Maybe I have too many voices in my head???  The choices paralyze me.  I'm Albert Brooks in Defending Your Life.  Except I wear nail polish.

Recent movies

So I finally watched (nearly all of) District 9 because my son was nagging me to see it.  It's one of his friends' favorite movies.  I didn't really enjoy it.  I finally gave up the third time Netflix wanted to adjust my viewing because of my network speed.  Weird.  Nice to hear South African dialect and accents.  Good CGI as the aliens seemed "real".  It was rather predictable to me.  I couldn't tell him that, though.  He doesn't really want to hear my opinion, because I'm his dumb mother, you know.

I tried watching Where The Wild Things Are, but it was just too dumb.  I realize that it is supposed to be fantasy, but...  not my cup of tea.  Too fantastical.  Back to Netflix it goes!

I'm writing this with my new computer.  The old one suddenly stopped working late last week.  I finally got it to boot one last time, and was able to save some music I had down-loaded and may not have on my MP3 player.  Five-hundred dollars later, and I 'm still stuck with the broken monitor that my son managed to crack the base off of.  It sits on a plastic box and rests against the wall, so adjustments are out of the question, as is watching it from "over there" instead of straight on.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today's hair color is

How about this one?

What's a mother to do

My son.  There is nothing I can add, because I've had strangely colored hair back in the day too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bolero by Maurice Ravel

I was listening to classical radio on the way home from choir and had to sit in the car in the cold parking lot just to hear all of this piece.  I hadn't heard it in years.  (It's too bad it got attached to that silly movie.)  I found a great version, but it is in two pieces, sorry.  Much better than the Andre Rieu versions though, I think.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can a COA drink at all?

Is any alcohol acceptable for the child of an alcoholic?  How much is too much?  Where is that big golden line to avoid stepping over, I wonder as I consider my third drink of the evening...

EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS for that cruise.  Granted that's the big cruise, but if it really is one-in-a-life-time...???  It would be cheaper without the kid along, and also cheaper if we didn't wait for the school year to end.  Hmmm

I'm trying to be good and plan a menu.  So that I can be budget- and calorie-conscious.  Have a big plan to hit the grocery store tomorrow after church.  Speaking of which, it's communion Sunday, so I will be at the church from 7:30 until about 12:30.   Poor me :(  Boo hoo hoo.  I get to hear the sermon three times-yea for me!  (Maybe it will sink in better that way?)  And my favorite prayer-pastor is retiring (again).  He got drawn out of retirement when our last senior pastor retired, and now that the new senior pastor seems to have settled in, it's time for him to retire (again).  I will miss him a great deal.  He can still fit into his WWII service uniform (was a chaplain, of course) and he frequently would get a wee bit choked up as he led the congregational prayer.  Pretty irreplaceable, I think.  And my choir pastor/director is directing us one last time tomorrow before he leaves us for six months on sabbatical.  Sad, but his replacement was interesting at rehearsal the other night.  I'm trying to look forward to the limited-length change of pace.

Back to menu planning (blech)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No more plain Activia, but Mendelssohn instead

I got the sad news that my favorite grocery store will no longer have plain Activia (in the big containers).  I wasn't able to find out if it was because they didn't sell enough or if they stopped making it.  Either way, I am a little heart-broken.  I eat some of it every day in my muesli.  I've been having Dannon plain for two days and it's just not the same (can you see me stomping my feet right now, and pouting a little?)  I'd like to blame my recent poor attitude on that little change and while there may even be some truth in that idea, I refuse to let something like that take the wind out of my sails.  It's just a yogurt, for crying out loud!  But I eat it every day (imagine whining voice here) boo hoo hoo hoo.

On the bright side, I found out today that we will be singing Mendelssohn in choir.  And some Latin, and Softly and Tenderly, which always makes me teary (even though there is no crying in the tenor section!)  We're having a guest conductor while our director/pastor is on sabbatical for six months.  He teaches conducting at a major conservatory and I can hardly wait to see what it's like to work with him!  Judging by the music we've got planned out ahead of us, it's gonna be GOOD.  I only hope I can keep up.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is this cheating?

So, I could totally cheat, like one blog I USED to follow, but what is the fun of that?  What is the point of cheating while trying to succeed at a challenge when the sole prize is personal satisfaction?  Posting a laundry list of things happening to me each day.  Boring!  Especially when mixed with poor language and menu choices.

Eats, shoots and leaves.  I have the daily calendar.  I am a language stickler, at least I am when I 'm not trying to pad my post count.

And I will secretly admit - just to you - that I've been watching the premier of Live To Dance.  And if you ask me about it, I will be totally embarrassed to admit it.  I'll pretend that I was just waiting for NCIS.  Mark Harmon is ALMOST as good as RDA  (Richard Dean Anderson --- you know; Stargate... MacGyver?)  Anyway-gassing teenagers, a missing girl-I gotta go.  (and do some hand sewing to relieve the guilt of just sitting there watching TV)  (Or not)

And ERIC (who sometimes read my blog) are you THAT Eric?  From my past?  Las Vegas Eric?  Or just a different, encouraging Eric whose mother is absolutely correct that you ARE someone!

I love getting comments!


I'm just wired to take on challenges, I guess.  I was reading one of my favorite blogs and she commented about trying to catch up so that she would meet her goal of 365 entries in 365 days.  Now I can't seem to resist the idea.  I was reading my most favorite blog and she was talking about several art-related challenges that she takes on and I could hardly resist adding those to my list.  AS IF I DON"T HAVE ENOUGH "STUFF" TO DO IN MY LIFE!

This is not a resolution, certainly not another New Year's Resolution!  It isn't!!!

I recently bought a copy of The French Chef Cookbook.  Based on her show.  Which made me think of Julie & Julia.  Maybe I cook one show each Saturday???  NOT A RESOLUTION!!!

Lavender Mist

So a coworker lent me a book about enjoying and taking care of curly hair.  There was some good advice and for the most part, I enjoyed the book.  HOWEVER - there was included a recipe for a spray solution for curly hair.  The general idea is that curly hair is quite dry and you really should not wash it very often.  Other days you would freshen your curls with a spritz of something and the author suggested making a lavender mist.  You take a half gallon of water, bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for an hour.  Add five drops of essential lavender oil, stir and cool.  Fill spray bottles.

Why did the water have to boil for an hour???

To cruise or not to cruise

My mother mentioned something a few months ago about wanting to take an Alaskan cruise.  I've often said that the only cruise I'd be likely to take would be in Alaska.  I've been researching Alaskan cruises.  On Holland America, if she'll pay for an adult fare and I pay an adult fare, my son will be essentially free.  Which cuts down on the price an awful lot.  That leaves me paying about a grand for the cruise and another 700 or so for airfare for the two of us.  All I have to do is decide a few things:

big ship vs. small ship
excursions vs. real relaxation
with Mom vs. without Mom
with son vs. without son
inside passage vs. glacier tour
which line?
pamper myself vs. support missionaries
final trip with old child vs. avoiding grumpy-teen-time
quiet time with woman who raised me vs. yet another mind-numbing staycation

Sunday, January 2, 2011

NOT a New Year's resolution

I was in the side streets of Wheaton on December 31, and there seemed to be a large number of women running around in various parts of town, all jogging slowly with their arm clutched to their side and a look of pain mixed with determination on their faces.  And it seemed like most of their husbands were at Trader Joe's with lists clutched in their hands, pushing carts full of wine and snacks.

I made two resolutions about three weeks ago.  One was to get more walking into my days.  The second was more of a re-resolution; Pace yourself.  For the first I bought a nifty pedometer from Amazon (that was $19.95 three weeks ago!) and have been wearing daily since I got it.  For the second, I have been avoiding the TV commercials and store shelves and magazines that would have me succumb to the desire to buy my way to cleaner closests or a more-fit-me, etc.  I will tackle things one day at a time.

I have too many quilts started and need to finish some.  In order to accomplish this, I keep telling myself that I really should clean up my house.  That alone keeps me planted in the chair, needle in hand, busily avoiding housework by sewing instead.  So far, so good!

Oh - and I'm not looking for my "soul-mate" on the internet...