Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is this cheating?

So, I could totally cheat, like one blog I USED to follow, but what is the fun of that?  What is the point of cheating while trying to succeed at a challenge when the sole prize is personal satisfaction?  Posting a laundry list of things happening to me each day.  Boring!  Especially when mixed with poor language and menu choices.

Eats, shoots and leaves.  I have the daily calendar.  I am a language stickler, at least I am when I 'm not trying to pad my post count.

And I will secretly admit - just to you - that I've been watching the premier of Live To Dance.  And if you ask me about it, I will be totally embarrassed to admit it.  I'll pretend that I was just waiting for NCIS.  Mark Harmon is ALMOST as good as RDA  (Richard Dean Anderson --- you know; Stargate... MacGyver?)  Anyway-gassing teenagers, a missing girl-I gotta go.  (and do some hand sewing to relieve the guilt of just sitting there watching TV)  (Or not)

And ERIC (who sometimes read my blog) are you THAT Eric?  From my past?  Las Vegas Eric?  Or just a different, encouraging Eric whose mother is absolutely correct that you ARE someone!

I love getting comments!

1 comment:

  1. I am that Eric. Not Las Vegas Eric. A different Eric. Perhaps I am not even THAT Eric, just AN Eric from your past. I'm the Eric that met you in high school and realized in the middle of a deep conversation at around 2 am in a friend's basement that you were the most beautiful complicated amazing soul God had ever seen fit to put in front of my eyes. And though I was exhausted from working all day I was smart enough to realize that every moment spent near you was a gift that must be treasured. And I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. And not much of the next night either.

    I still treasure those moments. I still have the tiny creases in your smile committed to memory. I am the Eric who remembers every moment like the first taste of wine...sweet, complex, with wisps of strawberries, of black currant jam, of oak and clean linen and earth and grass and summer...and just a little bit of burn at the end...a tightening of the throat. Who sometimes got a little drunk on that wine, but really good wine can do that, no?

    I am the Eric who reads the blog, who celebrates the fact that life goes on, who regrets nothing but who thinks of you on most days. Sometimes for a few seconds, other times for a few minutes, but in some small way strives to be worthy of the little bit of Cheryl that remains inside him. I am the Eric who got to sit next to you once, who was fortunate enough to be your friend once and at times a little bit more.

    But lest you ever think that no one listens, that no one cares, just remember that somewhere out there, there is at least one Eric who will always listen and will always care. For no good reason at all. So keep writing. Keep shining.
