Monday, March 23, 2015


I was bumbling around the blogosphere at  lunch today and found a few really excellent things.  People who are really using blogging in a good way.
I subscribe to a blog that is set up as a weekly free journaling class with four regular teachers and a guest.  So far it has been interesting but only marginally inspiring because the styles are rather similar, are not very "art"istic (more craft than art) and are simply not to my tastes.  However the guest for this past Saturday was a breath of fresh, artistic air.  He has a nifty, interesting blog and also is involved with an online school for visual journalers.  Which led me to several other teachers, and one in particular.  She also has a very interesting blog in which she was willing to admit that she watches tv and even explained why she enjoyed a particular show so much.  I was favorably impressed.  Then, the piece de resistance, she also has a blog with a yearly one-month-long project.  Similar to NaNoWriMo, it runs for the month of April.  International Fake Journal.  I'm seriously considering it.  Even though I have something huge looming in mid-May.  I was thinking that the protagonist of my mystery novel could be the journaler and she could sketch the town where the book takes place.  It would help with future novels (assuming I write more and not veer off into that science fiction storyline I was considering).
The artist was explaining why she liked the show Foyle's War so much and that's just another reason this seems so providential, because her reasons are some of the same reasons that I chose to write a mystery to begin with.  Heros and villains and right over might.  *Sigh*  Another project-just what I needed???

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